
AutoRABIT Terms:

  1. Metadata Mastery™: AutoRABIT's proprietary technology for Salesforce metadata management.

  2. Data Loader Pro™: AutoRABIT's feature for complex data migrations, backups, and archiving.

  3. ALM Masters™: AutoRABIT's feature for end-to-end application lifecycle management.

  4. Version Control System (VCS): AutoRABIT's feature that allows you to track and manage changes to your code.

  5. Deployment Automation: AutoRABIT's feature that automates the deployment of code to different environments.

  6. Test Automation: AutoRABIT's feature that automates the testing process.

  7. Release Management: AutoRABIT's feature that helps manage, schedule and control software delivery process.

  8. Data Compliance: AutoRABIT's feature that ensures data in Salesforce complies with policies and standards.

  9. Backup and Recovery: AutoRABIT's feature that provides automated backup and recovery solutions for Salesforce data.

  10. Environment Comparison: AutoRABIT's feature that allows comparison of metadata and data across different Salesforce environments.

  11. DevHub: DevHub is the main Salesforce Org that you and your team use to create, delete and manage your Salesforce Scratch Orgs. A Scratch Org is a temporary deployment of Salesforce source code and metadata. Any number of Salesforce Scratch Orgs can be created to start a new project, to start a new feature branch, to test a new feature, start automated testing, perform development tasks directly in an Org, and start from scratch with a fresh new org.

DevOps Terms:

  1. Continuous Integration (CI): The practice of merging all developers' working copies to a shared mainline several times a day.

  2. Continuous Delivery (CD): The ability to get changes of all types—including new features, configuration changes, bug fixes and experiments—into production, or into the hands of users, safely and quickly in a sustainable way.

  3. Infrastructure as Code (IaC): The process of managing and provisioning computer data centers through machine-readable definition files, rather than physical hardware configuration or interactive configuration tools.

  4. Microservices: A software development technique where an application is structured as a collection of loosely coupled services.

  5. Docker: An open-source platform used for automating the deployment, scaling, and management of applications within containers.

  6. Kubernetes: An open-source platform designed to automate deploying, scaling, and operating application containers.

  7. Configuration Management: The process of systematically handling changes to a system in a way that allows the system to maintain integrity over time.

  8. Deployment Pipeline: The path that a code change takes from version control to production.

  9. Canary Release: A technique to reduce the risk of introducing a new software version in production by rolling out the change to a small subset of users before rolling it out to the entire infrastructure.

  10. Blue/Green Deployment: A release management strategy that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production environments called Blue and Green.

DevSecOps Terms:

  1. Security as Code: The integration of security in the application development process, treating security protocols as part of the codebase.

  2. Threat Modeling: A process by which potential threats can be identified, enumerated, and prioritized – all from a hypothetical attacker’s point of view.

  3. Security Automation: The automatic handling of software security assessments tasks.

  4. Risk Policy: A statement that codifies the level of risk an organization is prepared to accept.

  5. Compliance as Code: An approach where compliance, audit, and security standards are treated as code and integrated into the DevOps pipeline.

  6. Security Orchestration Automation and Response (SOAR): A solution that allows organizations to collect data about security threats and respond to low-level security events without human assistance.

  7. Zero Trust: A security concept centered on the belief that organizations should not automatically trust anything inside or outside its perimeters and instead must verify anything and everything trying to connect to its systems before granting access.

  8. Identity and Access Management (IAM): The framework of business processes, policies and technologies that facilitates the management of electronic or digital identities.

  9. Penetration Testing: An authorized simulated cyberattack on a computer system, performed to evaluate the security of the system.

  10. Intrusion Detection System (IDS): A system that monitors network traffic for suspicious activity and issues alerts when such activity is discovered.

CodeScan Terms:

  1. Quality Profiles: A set of rules and settings that can be applied to a project or a set of projects.

  2. Quality Gates: A set of threshold measures set on your project like code coverage, technical debt, security violations etc.

  3. Rules: The coding standards that CodeScan checks in your code.

  4. Static Code Analysis: The analysis of computer software performed without actually executing the code.

  5. Code Smell: A surface indication that usually corresponds to a deeper problem in the system.

  6. Technical Debt: The implied cost of additional rework caused by choosing an easy solution now instead of using a better approach that would take longer.

  7. Code Duplication: The presence of duplicate code in a codebase, which can lead to maintenance issues and bugs.

  8. Code Coverage: A measure of the amount of code being tested by unit tests.

  9. Bug Tracking: The process of tracking and managing the bugs found in the code.

  10. Code Review: The systematic examination of computer source code intended to find and fix mistakes overlooked in the initial development phase.

Vault Terms

  1. Metadata Backup: The process of saving a copy of your Salesforce metadata to prevent data loss.

  2. Metadata Restore: The process of bringing back a previous version of your Salesforce metadata from a backup.

  3. Metadata Comparison: The process of comparing metadata between different Salesforce environments or versions.

  4. Metadata Deployment: The process of moving metadata from one Salesforce environment to another.

  5. Metadata Versioning: The practice of keeping track of different versions of metadata, allowing you to see what has changed over time.

  6. Metadata Search: A feature that allows you to search through your Salesforce metadata for specific items.

  7. Metadata Audit Trail: A record showing who has accessed your Salesforce metadata and what changes they have made.

  8. Metadata Synchronization: The process of ensuring that the same version of metadata is used across all Salesforce environments.

  9. Metadata Rollback: The ability to revert your Salesforce metadata back to a previous state.

  10. Metadata Relationship Analysis: A feature that allows you to see how different pieces of metadata are related to each other.

Salesforce Terms:

  1. Apex: A strongly typed, object-oriented programming language that allows developers to execute flow and transaction control statements on the Lightning platform server in conjunction with calls to the API.

  2. Visualforce: A framework that allows developers to build sophisticated, custom user interfaces that can be hosted natively on the Lightning platform.

  3. Lightning Component: A reusable unit of an app. A building block for Salesforce apps and experiences.

  4. Salesforce Object Query Language (SOQL): A language to query your organization’s Salesforce data for specific information.

  5. Salesforce Object Search Language (SOSL): A Salesforce search language used to perform text searches in records.

  6. Force.com: A Platform as a Service (PaaS) product designed to simplify the development and deployment of cloud-based applications and websites.

  7. Sandbox: A copy of your production environment used for testing and development.

  8. Chatter: Salesforce's collaboration tool that connects employees with each other and the records and files they need.

  9. Salesforce DX: A Salesforce product in the App cloud that allows users to develop and manage Salesforce apps throughout the entire platform.

  10. Einstein Analytics: A product that provides advanced analytics capabilities powered by artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning.

Last updated