Use Jenkins with CodeScan Salesforce project

The following is a guide to setting up Jenkins for use with CodeScan. It assumes that:

  • You have Jenkins installed.

  • You have the Ant and Git plugins for Jenkins installed.

Creating a Jenkins Project to use with CodeScan

  1. Create a new Freestyle project.

  2. Add a String parameter:

    • Name it sonar.projectVersion

    • Make the default value 1

  3. Add another string parameter:

    • Name it salesforce.username

    • Make the default value your Saleforce username eg.

  4. Add a password parameter:

    • Name it salesforce.password

    • Make the default value your Salesforce password + your Salesforce token eg. passwordtoken

  5. Add another string parameter:

  6. Add another string parameter:

    • Name it sonar.projectKey

    • Make the default value project1

  7. Add another string parameter:

    • Name it sonar.projectName

    • Make the default value whatever you like. This will be the name displayed in SonarQube™.

  8. Add another string parameter:

    • Name it

    • Make the default value the url of your SonarQube™ instance. The default for SonarQube™ running locally would be http://localhost:9000

  9. In the build section of the configuration click Add Build Step > Invoke Ant.

    • In the targets section write deletesrc download.

    • In the Build File section, fill in the path to the antbuild.xml file in the runner folder of your CodeScan installation. eg. C:/great-tools/sonar-salesforce-plugin3.x/runner/antbuild.xml

    • In the Properties section, type user.dir=${WORKSPACE}

    • Leave the Java options blank.

  10. Add another Invoke Ant step:

    • In the targets section write sonar.

    • In the Build File section, fill in the path to the antbuild.xml file in the runner folder of your CodeScan installation. eg. C:/great-tools/sonar-salesforce-plugin3.x/runner/antbuild.xml

    • In the Properties section, type user.dir=${WORKSPACE}

    • In the java options add the path to your temp directory. eg.\Users\some-guy\AppData\Local\Temp\

    • You can also add -Xmx1024m to the end of the Java options field to assign memory.

Save the project and click Build with Parameters. The results will be available in SonarQube™.

Last updated