Installing CodeScan Self-Hosted

As part of our commitment to providing the best possible products and services, we periodically discontinue support for older software versions. All CodeScan self-hosted versions below 23.1.1 will reach their End of Life (EOL) on December 31, 2024.

CodeScan On-Premises Installation

What's New:

CodeScan Self-Hosted now has two versions available to meet your operating system needs:

CodeScan version 24.1.1 Eagle Edition v2.0 (now compatible with SonarQube™ versions 10.1 to 10.6) is the latest CodeScan release. We strongly recommend all CodeScan users upgrade to this iteration.

CodeScan version 24.0.13 Tiger Edition v2.0 (now compatible with SonarQube™ version 10.3 or earlier) is a newer version of the CodeScan release for users running older versions of SonarQube™.

Downloads & Compatibility Chart

Release Notes


This section describes installing the CodeScan self-hosted server, allowing you to experience a fully functional evaluation version of enterprise CodeScan on your server.


Step 1: Request a CodeScan License Key

Note: If you already have a License Key or Subscription Code, proceed to step 2.

AutoRABIT Access/License Key: Before downloading the necessary files, email AutoRABIT’s support team at to request a CodeScan License Key.

Provide the following information in the email: • Client Name (first and last – typically the admin) • Client Company • Email • Duration of License (e.g., varies, 30 days)

Step 2: Download and Install SonarQube™ & CodeScan Zip Files

SonarQube™ Download

You must have a SonarQube™ server currently running in your environment. If not, please visit to download the latest Community version.

The following matrix identifies the current versions of SonarQube™ supported for CodeScan Self-Hosted/On-Premises clients:

SonarQube™ Compatibility Matrix

CodeScan On-Premises Plug-In
SQ 9.9 LTA
SQ 10.0
SQ 10.1
SQ 10.2
SQ 10.3
SQ 10.4
SQ 10.5
SQ 10.6

24.1.1 Eagle v2.0 (Nov 2024)

24.0.13 Tiger v2.0 (Nov 2024)

24.1.0 Eagle (Aug 2024)

24.0.9 Tiger (Sept 2024)

24.0.8 (July 2024)

24.0.5 (June 2024)

24.0.4 (April 2024)

24.0.1 (Jan 2024)

23.1.3 (Sept 2023)

At, find the latest compatible version with the CodeScan version you are using.

Note: This link will take you to the SonarQube™ 9.9 LTA download.

CodeScan Zip File Download

  1. Download the latest compatible CodeScan version from here.

Note: Keep in mind you need to download a version compatible with your SonarJS plugin version. Refer to the requirements section for more information.

  1. Accept our Terms of Service and click on the Request Download button.

  2. Extract the ZIP file. It contains the SonarQube™ plugin and an ant-based tool enabling you to run an analysis.

CodeScan Downloads & Compatibility Chart

CodeScan Version
Platform Compatible
Release Date
Support End Date
Release Note

24.1.1 Eagle v2.0

SonarQube™ 10.1 - 10.6

November 2024

November 2025

24.0.13 Tiger v2.0

SonarQube™ 10.0 - 10.3 9.9 LTA

November 2024

November 2025

24.1.0 Eagle

SonarQube™ 10.1 - 10.6

August 2024

August 2025

24.0.9 Tiger

SonarQube™ 10.0 - 10.3 9.9 LTA

September 2024

September 2025


SonarQube™ 10.2 10.1 9.9 LTA

July 2024

July 2025


SonarQube™ 10.2 10.1 9.9 LTA

June 2024

June 2025


SonarQube™ 10.2

10.1 9.9 LTA

April 2024

April 2025


SonarQube™ 10.2


9.9 LTA

January 2024

30 January 2025


SonarQube™ 9.9 LTA 8.9 (Previous LTA)

25 December 2022

30 April 2025

Plugin Installation

Step 1: Download CodeScan file

  1. Delete any existing Salesforce plugins from your installation.

  2. Ensure your SonarJS plugin is compatible with the current CodeScan for Lightning version. Currently the supported release requires version 6.2+ of the SonarJS plugin. Click here to see alternatives.

Step 2: CodeScan JAR file

  1. Copy CodeScan downloads JAR files, sonar-salesforce-plugin-XXX.jar and sonar-codescanlang-plugin-XXX.jar into your SonarQube™ installation at /extensions/plugins/.

  2. Place JAR files into your SonarQube™ file installation at /extensions/plugins/.

  3. Keep the SonarQube™ file open for the next steps.

Step 3: Start Web Server

  1. Lastly, you need to RUNsonar to execute the script to start the server. In your SonarQube™ installation file, open, '/bin' folder, choose server type, and select ‘StartSonar’. Once rendering is finished, the plugin installation is complete.

Standard SonarQube™ Setup

Step 1: Log in to the SonarQube™ self-hosted instance at http://localhost:9000/. The default System Admin credentials are admin/admin:

Step 2. Once you've gained access, go to Administrator > Configuration > General Settings.

  1. Select the CodeScan tab.

  2. Enter your CodeScan License Key in the designated field.

  1. Click Save.

  2. You have successfully completed the CodeScan on-premises integration. See the instructions below on how to integrate this to ARM.

CodeScan On-Premises + ARM Integration


This guide will show you how to integrate the CodeScan self-hosted instance with ARM.

CodeScan On-Premises ARM Integration

Step 1: Generate a SonarQube™ Token

  1. Log in to your SonarQube™ instance.

  2. Go to User > My Account > Security. Your existing tokens are listed here, each with a Revoke button.

  3. The form at the bottom of the page allows you to generate new tokens. Once you click the Generate button, you will see the token value. Be sure to copy it immediately; once you dismiss the notification, you will not be able to retrieve it.

  4. This token is used when storing your credentials, such as your username and password, with AutoRABIT.

Step 2: Store Your SonarQube™ Credentials in ARM

This initial step is when your SonarQube™ credentials, such as your username and password, are stored in AutoRABIT.

  1. Log in to your AutoRABIT account.

  2. Hover your mouse over the Admin module and click on the Credentials tab.

  3. Next, click on Create Credential from the right navigation bar.

  4. On the next pop-up screen, enter the Credential Name.

  5. Choose the Credential Type as Username with Password.

  6. Choose your Credential Scope: Global: Credentials accessible within the team. Private: Credentials for private use.

  7. Enter your SonarQube™ account username. For password, use the copied token mentioned in Step 1.

  8. Verify you are using your SonarQube™ username instead of the email address you use to log in to SonarQube™.

  1. Click Save.

Setting up Your Quality Profiles

  1. In the SonarQube™ self-hosted instance, click on the Quality Profiles menu.

  2. Make sure you have selected the Salesforce Lightning profile as the default for both the JavaScript and Visualforce and Lightning languages. This can be done with the settings cog to the right of the profile name.

Running a Scan

There are a few ways to run your scan. The first is using our SFDX plugin (this requires that the Salesforce CLI and the SFDX CodeScan Plugin be installed).

  1. Generate a token from the My Account > Security menu in SonarQube™.

  2. Open the command prompt and navigate to:

  3. Run the following command:

    sfdx codescan:run --token <token> --projectkey my-project-key --organization default-organization --server https://your.server.url

The Organization Key above will work for the Community edition of SonarQube™ but may need to be edited depending on your setup using a paid edition.

You can also use Ant (this requires Ant version 1.9+).

Note: You will need to edit if your SonarQube™ installation is different than usual, or if you have a proxy. You can also edit /runner/antbuild.xml to customize your workflows.

Running SFDX plugin behind a proxy

To run the SFDX plugin behind a proxy, you will need to pass all the related information in the parameters of the analysis command.


sfdx codescan:run --server {instanceurl} --token {TKN} --projectkey {PRJ} --organization {ORG} -J-Dhttp.proxyHost=## -J-Dhttp.proxyPort=## -J-Dhttp.proxyUser=## -J-Dhttp.proxyPassword=## -J-Dhttps.proxyHost=## -J-Dhttps.proxyPort=## -J-Dhttps.proxyUser=## -J-Dhttps.proxyPassword=##




Enter your CodeScan instance url example- for US region for EU region for AUS region.


Enter your CodeScan security token (For more information on how to generate a security token, see Security Token)


Enter your CodeScan project key (to find your project key, refer to this article: Project Key)


Enter your CodeScan organization (for more information, see Create a new CodeScan Organization)

SonarQube™ ant plugin

For more instructions on setting up the SonarQube™ ant plugin, see You should verify that the ant script's steps are appropriate for your requirements.

  1. Create a copy of the sonar-project-template folder in the runner directory of this folder and put it in the same project. Call it /runner/my-project. Add the following to the file in the my-project folder.

  2. Set sonar.login= to a token available from the My Account > Security menu in SonarQube™.

  3. Set sonar.projectKey=myproject

  4. Set sonar.projectName=My Project

  5. Set salesforce.username, salesforce.password and salesforce.url to your Salesforce username/password. Your Salesforce token must also be appended to the end of your salesforce.password parameter. For example: salesforce.password=passwordtoken.

    Setting your Salesforce username, password, and URL is unnecessary if you want to analyze static content. Please use a system administrator user profile for this otherwise you may experience strange errors when downloading the code or executing tests.

  6. Open a command prompt and navigate into /runner/my-project

  7. Run the following command:

    ant -f ../antbuild.xml analyse

Note: If the Anyone group is not granted Execute Analysis permission, or if the SonarQube™ instance is secured (sonar.forceAuthentication property is set to true), a user whose credentials have Execute Analysis permission has to be provided through the sonar.login and sonar.password properties.


  • If your network has a proxy, you must pass some more parameters to avoid license errors.

  • A guide for this is available HERE.

Having trouble?

Last updated

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