Add New Users

To add a new user in ARM:

  1. Log in to your ARM account.

  2. Hover your mouse over the Admin tab and click on the Users.

  3. Click the Add User button.

  1. Fill in the User Details and configure the Role Permissions.

  2. Click Save & Activate to activate the users or Save Now & Activate Later to save the user details. They can be activated later from this page.

  1. Your colleague will receive an email inviting them to set their password and log in.

  2. Newly created users are updated in the Users tab under the Admin module.

Edit a User Account

After you’ve created a user, you can change most of their information and permissions. While you can't edit the Username and Email associated with a user, you can change the remaining fields.

  1. Log in to your ARM account.

  2. Go to the Users tab. Locate the user to whom you would like to make changes.

  3. Click on the Edit icon.

  1. Make any desired changes and click on Save.

Last updated