Connecting and syncing Salesforce Orgs

The Deployment screen is best viewed when the zoom setting is set to 80% on your Chrome/Firefox browser.

About Salesforce org synchronization

The org synchronization provides a mechanism to export single data, or all content items, from a source to a target Salesforce org effortlessly, thereby establishing consistency among data.

When you move changes from a source org to a production org, the metadata types would be the same. But when you make changes in the production org, there would be an inconsistency between the source org and production org. Org synchronization helps you compare the differences between the metadata types, so you can add or delete metadata types and ensure that both the orgs are in sync.

How can I connect and sync metadata between two Salesforce orgs?

To perform org synchronization, follow the below steps:

  1. Log in to your ARM account.

  2. Click on the Deployment tile on the left side of the screen.

  3. Go to the Org Synchronization History tab.

  4. Click on the Get Org Differences call-to-action button.

  1. In the Org Differences dialog box, you will need to:

    • Give the process a Name.

    • Select your Source Org and Destination Org.

    • Select the Exclude baseline Managed Package changes checkbox if you do not wish to include baseline Managed Package changes during org sync.

    • Select the Generate Member Differences checkbox to view the metadata member's differences between two Salesforce orgs based on file/data level comparison.

    • Specify the Batch size for Profile Components and the Batch size for other Components to retrieve records. So, the default size for the profile is 500, and for other components is 2000. You can modify it as per your requirement. The bulk retrieve option helps run large jobs that exceed normal processing limits – you can deploy up to 10000 files at once or a maximum size of 14Mb. Using batch size, you can process records in batches to stay within platform limits. If you have a lot of records, processing records through batches is the best option.

    To go to the next screen, click the Get Differences button. The next screen may take some time, depending on the number of components in your org.

  1. On the next screen, you can:

    • view the metadata list included in both source and target org

    • add or delete metadata components to/from the target org

    • view the metadata member's difference report (if any)

  2. Once done with your selection, click on Synchronize Orgs.

  3. On the next screen, check the Validate Deployment checkbox to verify whether the synchronization process will be successful or get failed. This is optional.

  4. Select the Apex Test Level to validate your deployment. For detailed information on each apex test level, refer to the article: Apex Unit Tests

  1. Click on Deploy.

  2. You'll be navigated to the Deployment History page, where the current synchronization progress can be seen.

More information on the Org Synchronization Summary page

Synchronization summary information such as label name, source org, destination org, and so on.. can be seen on the Org Synchronization History page.

  1. Status:Status of the synchronization process, i.e., successful or failed.

  2. Report:There are two options in this column.

Last updated