Configure a Webhook in Slack

  1. Login to your Slack account.

  2. Click on Create an app.

  1. Next, on the Create an app screen, click From scratch.

  1. Enter the App Name, pick a workspace from the dropdown list, and click on Create App.

  1. Next, click on Incoming Webhooks under Features or Add features and functionality.

  1. Scroll down, and click on Add New Webhook to Workspace.

  1. From the dropdown list select the channel for which you want to configure the webhook, and then click Allow.

  1. You'll be redirected to the previous screen. Scroll down and click on Copy.

This webhook URL will be available in your Slack account. It can be copied again or deleted from the same section.

  1. Next, integrate your Slack with ARM. For more information on this, click HERE.

Last updated