Configure Multi-Proxy

This article is for the Org Administrators in particular. The actions discussed in this article are not available to general users. This article is only applicable if your system is running behind a proxy.

ARM sends the proxy details in the request headers whenever connected to an outside customer network.

  1. Log in to ARM with your credentials.

  2. Go to Admin > My Account > Proxy Settings Configuration.

  3. Click on Create New Proxy button.

  4. A new dialog box appears where you are required to fill in the proxy-related details such as:

    • Proxy Name: Enter the proxy name. This will be used as a reference.

    • Proxy Host: Enter the proxy address in this field.

    • Proxy Port: Give the Proxy Port of the mail server. If unspecified, Port 25 will be used as a default.

    • Credential: If your Proxy server is configured with your credential, you can select it from the dropdown field or leave it blank by default. Also, if you like to add a new credential that you like to configure with the proxy server, you can do so by using the Create Credential button.

Last updated