Running a CI Job
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ARM facilitates the creation of CI jobs, allowing users to migrate or deploy nCino data and metadata into their destination environments using the following ways:
Feature Migration Template
Template using Salesforce Org
The object configuration, such as filters, applied mappings, and so on, will be picked up from the standard/community template chosen, and based on the configurations, the data is pulled from the source org and later deployed to the destination environment.
Version Control
The only difference between this and the Feature Migration template deployment is that here the template is picked up, which is part of version control. Such data is pulled from the version control and deployed to the destination.
Version Control using Salesforce Org
The object configuration, such as filters, applied mappings, and so on, will be picked up from the standard/community template chosen, which is part of version control. Based on the configurations, the data is pulled from the source org and later deployed to the destination environment.
Before you proceed with CI job creation, you must have the below permissions:
You're allowed to access the CI Jobs section. The admin can assign the required permission to you by visiting the Admin > Roles
tab and creating a role with the above permission enabled.
To create a CI job, you must have Create CI Job permission. The admin can assign the same by visiting the Admin > Roles
tab and creating a role with the above permission enabled.
You should be able to edit/modify your existing CI job only if special permission for CI Job List is assigned.
For example, you will need Edit and Delete permissions to edit or delete your existing job.
Log in to your AutoRABIT account.
Hover your mouse over the nCino
module and click on CI Jobs
Click on Create CI Job,
available on the top corner of the screen.
On the next screen, give the job a descriptive name in the Job Name
field and briefly describe it.
Next, you must choose the appropriate deployment method for your CI job configuration.
Deployment via template:
You'll be asked to choose the template type, i.e., standard or community. The data which is part of the standard or community template chosen will be picked up and deployed to the destination org or selected version control.
Deployment via template using Salesforce Org:
The object configuration, such as filters, applied mappings, and so on, will be picked up from the standard/community template chosen. Based on the configurations, the data is pulled from the source org and later deployed to the destination environment.
Deploment via Version Control:
Select the template which is part of the version control branch. Such data is pulled from the version control and deployed to the destination.
You can choose from three additional deployment types when you select the Deployment From Version Control
Entire Branch:
All of the templates from the version control branch will be populated, and you can choose any of them or all.
Baseline Revision:
The nCino revisions are pulled from the version control branch, and you must select one from the list. All the revisions above the set baseline revision will be picked up, which implies the templates committed above the baseline revision will be picked up, and you can deploy those templates to the target org. For example, if you want to include templates from the top three versions, you must select the fourth revision as the baseline revision.
Revision Range:
The templates are picked up based on the from and to revisions, and you can deploy those templates to the destination org.
Deployment via Version Control using Salesforce Org:
The object configuration, such as filters, applied mappings, and so on, will be picked up from the standard/community template chosen, which is part of version control. Based on the configurations, the data is pulled from the source org and later deployed to the destination environment.
Select the template(s) from the populated templates list for the CI job process. Click on the template
, select the template version
. Repeat the step for more template selection. Use the Select All
checkbox to select all the templates for deployment to be carried out. The template chosen will get listed under the Selected Versions
Use the up/down
arrow button to move the selected versions up and down or the delete
button to remove a version from the list. Based on the selection, the top version will be deployed initially, and the process continues for the remaining versions.
Point to Note:
The most recent version of the template is selected by default
The name of the selected version will be in the format "Template Name- Selected Version."
Click Next
to proceed to the next screen.
Choose your destination environment.
Destination Org:
Select your target org to which the templates will get deployed.
Version Control:
Select your repository and branch to commit the templates.
Point to Note: Committing to the version control will not be available for Deployment via Version Control and Deployment via Version Control using Salesforce Org feature.
Under Object Configuration
, view the objects available for your selected templates. Click on the + sign will render the object list and the applied mappings and filters for each template version.
Applied Mapping:
The application will default use AutoRABIT external ID for record mapping between source and destination org. Users will have the option to choose their own external ID based on the requirement.
LookupKey__c is auto-chosen as a default field. If the lookupKey__c field is unavailable, AutorabitExtId__c would be the next choice, and similarly, Name will be the third preference if both lookupKey__c and AutorabitExtId__c are unavailable.
In the 'Source'
field, you must select the source field whose values will be populated in the destination external Id field.
In the 'Destination'
field, you must select the required field from the destination org, whose values will remain unique for all the records.
Applied Filters:
If any filter is applied to the objects, such a filter will be displayed here. You can edit the applied filter (if required) using the Edit
icon. Editing of the filter is currently not allowed for deployment via the template.
Click Next
to proceed to the next screen.
Under the Notifications
section, select the user email id to send email notifications on the success or failure of a build. Use the Add User Email (s)
button to add the custom email address of the users to get notified of the CI job pass or fail.
Next, under the Schedule
section, you can schedule the process it must run.
The process will run daily at the scheduled time or interval set.
The process will run weekly on the scheduled day and time.
No schedule:
The process will only be saved; you can run it when required.
Select other destination orgs under the Post Deployment Activities section
. This will allow the package from the build to be reused to deploy the same data in various Salesforce environments as a post-deployment successful activity.
Click Next
to proceed to the final screen. This is the summary page for the CI job that you're about to create. You can view the template details and the mappings/ filters you applied for the last time before the job gets created.
Before you conclude, select the criteria that you can set for the deployment process to continue.
Disable Workflow Rules:
This option will deactivate the workflow rules associated with objects in the deployment.
Disable Validation Rules:
This option will deactivate the validation rules associated with objects as part of the deployment.
Use Bulk API (Batch API will be used if the option is not enabled):
You can transfer bulk records from the source and destination org.
Insert/update with Null Values:
This will either insert or update record field values with null (if the value is null in source org) in destination org.
Use UTF-8 file encoding for file read and write operations:
Use UTF-8 as the internal representation of strings. Text is transcoded from the local encoding to UTF-8 when data is written to or read from a file. UTF-8 must be enabled if your data exclusively contains English alphabets. UTF-8 must be disabled if your data contains non-English alphabets. UTF-8 should be enabled by default as per Salesforce.
Click Save
to complete the job creation process. You'll be redirected to the CI Result screen, where you can trigger a build for your configured job to run the CI operation. Select your CI job from the dropdown on the top right corner of the CI Results screen and click the Build Now
button to trigger a build for your recently created job.
The data which is part of a feature migration template (either standard or community template) will be picked up and deployed to the destination org or selected version control. For more information, refer section.