Adding Users to a CodeScan Cloud Organization

User invitations to join the CodeScan organization are sent out by the org administrator. An email with a link inviting the user to join your organization will be sent to them.

  1. Navigate to your instance's URL, for example, for US region, for EU region, or for AUS region.

  2. Go to your Organization in CodeScan.

  3. Click on the Members menu of your Organization's home page, and then click on Invite Member.

  1. In the Invite Users screen, enter the email (or emails) of the users you would like to add.

  1. Invited user will get an automated email from CodeScan. The user must click on the link to accept the invitation (see "accepting invitations" section for details).

  2. Once the user is added to your organization, you can edit their permissions through the Groups, Permissions, and Permission Templates under the Administration menu.

Last updated