
About EZ-Commit

Commit, in Salesforce terminology, is the process of adding/migrating the changes by developers to a Version Control Branch to record their development progress. As a developer works, the version control system automatically tracks changes they make to files. When a portion of the feature is complete, the developers commit their changes to their branch, accompanied by an informative description.

Why is it important?

If I’ve heard anything from my software development community, it’s “Commit Early and Often!”. But why?

  • Periodic Checkpoints in your workflow will give you less time and space between the code you wrote and the thing you broke.

  • You can better understand how things in your code were broken.

  • Let people see what really happened — unless it’s a public repo or perhaps it isn’t needed, having a version history is important to understand the code.

  • If you make a small change in your code and something goes horribly wrong and you lose your work, you’re only losing a small change.

  • There can never be TOO many commits. If by some act of God, something needs to be rewritten, it’d be a lot easier to not have to rewrite a huge chunk.


Below are the prerequisites to be performed before proceeding with the commit to AutoRABIT:

  1. Register your Version Control Repository in AutoRABIT: This step can only be performed by an Admin. Register your Version Control Repositories, such as GIT, SVN, or TFS in AutoRABIT.

  2. Register your Salesforce Organization in AutoRABIT: AutoRABIT connects to your Salesforce Org using either secure OAuth method or using username/password connections. This step can only be performed by an Admin.

  3. Setup a Branch: Instead of making changes to the code base directly, you can branch off from the mainline and work on a specific feature in an isolated branch. This step can only be performed by an Admin.

  4. Mapping the users with the Version Control and Salesforce Orgs in the 'My Profile' section: Set up the permission to create a project in AutoRABIT.

Last updated

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