Customizing Quality Profiles


Quality Profiles determine the list of rules used in a scan. Quality Profiles can be customized by adding and removing rules, setting severities, and changing scope where applicable.

To make a custom Quality Profile, you can create a new profile or copy one of our default profiles from the list as a starting point.

Point to Note:

Changes CAN NOT be made to the default profiles, only to custom profiles. If you are using a default profile and would like to remove a rule, please make a copy of the default profile and make your changes to the copied profile.

Creating a Quality Profile

To customize the Quality Profile, follow the steps below:

  1. Access the Quality Profile menu from the Organization’s home page.

  1. Use the Create button at the top right of the page to create a new Quality Profile.

  2. Enter the Name and choose a Language for the profile. Additionally, you can give your new profile a Parent profile.

  3. Click Create.

  1. Once you have chosen a name for your profile, click the Activate More button to begin your customization.

  1. Use the filters on the left to determine the rules you want to see, and click the active/inactive button to add/remove them from your quality profile.

  1. You can bulk activate/deactivate rules for your profile using the Bulk Change button.

  1. When activating a rule, you will be given the option to change its severity and any other parameters the rule may have.

Example: You can update the severity of the rule to Major/Critical/Minor/Blocker/Info

To use the rule mentioned above, the parameter minimumCommentDensity needs to be set to a value. The minimum value is 25. If you use the value of 35 as an example, the density of comment lines of 35 will be considered.

Set the value for suppressUnitTestViolations. Default: The Default is actually 'Display' and it will display the unit test violations suppression, means, the issues will get displayed in Test Classes for the parameters. Display: Displays the unit test violations suppression. Suppress: Unit test violations will be suppressed.

Setting a default Quality Profile

By setting a default Quality Profile, you assign every project without a specific Quality Profile to use the default one. To assign Quality Profiles to specific Projects, use the Project Settings > Quality Profiles menu for your project and select the one you would like to use.

Last updated