Reset the Password

In general, you’ll only need to reset your password if you’ve forgotten it, but there are some instances when resetting your password can help protect the security of your account.

We recommend resetting your password in these cases:

  • You notice something suspicious in your CodeScan account.

  • You suspect someone you don't trust may have your password.

  • We ask you to change your password.

If you have not requested to reset your password and you receive an email asking you to change it, it could be a case of phishing. Instead of clicking on a suspect link in an email, log into your account to reset your password there.

Reset Account Password

Follow these steps to reset your password:

  1. Navigate to your instance's URL, for example, for US region, for EU region or for AUS region.

  2. From the login screen, click the Don't remember your password? button.

  1. Enter the email address you used to create your CodeScan account.

  1. Click Send Email, and an email will be sent to your address with recovery instructions.

  2. Check your inbox for a password reset email.

  3. Click on the URL provided in the email and enter a new password.

Password Requirements:

  • New passwords must meet the following criteria:

  • MUST contain at least 8 characters (10+ recommended)

  • MUST contain at least one uppercase letter (A-Z)

  • MUST contain at least one lowercase letter (a-z)

  • MUST contain at least one number (0-9)

  • MUST contain at least one special character (such as !, %, @, <, >, # and so on)

  • MUST NOT contain an email address, first, middle or last name, or commonly used passwords

  • MUST NOT be one of the 13 previously used passwords


No Email Received?

If you don't see the email in your inbox:

  • Check your spam/junk folder

  • Try to reset your password again

  • If that still does not work, contact the CodeScan Support Team at

Last updated