Run analysis locally using SFDX

This article will guide you through how to run the code analysis manually using our CodeScan Plugin and Salesforce CLI.


To run the code analysis manually using our CodeScan Plugin and Salesforce CLI, first make sure you have:

  • Salesforce CLI installed. Click HERE to download the Salesforce CLI and its dependencies.

  • Java 17

  • NodeJS 18

  1. To install the CodeScan SFDX plugin, follow these steps:

    • Use sfdx plugins:install sfdx-codescan-plugin.

    • You'll be prompted that Salesforce does not sign this plugin; type Y to continue.

    • Check the installation using sfdx plugins.

  2. You're ready to run a scan once the installation is completed. To run this scan, follow these steps:

    • Open Bash CLI like Git Bash, etc.

    • Now, go to the folder with the project sources you want to run a scan on and enter the command as shown below:

      sfdx codescan:run --token <token> --projectkey <project key>> --organization <organization key>

Note: To find your Project Key and the Organization Key, click on the respective links below:

Project keys differ from project to project as the organization and project keys are unique.

  1. This will start the analysis directly on the CodeScan cloud.

  2. To learn how to generate a Security Token, click HERE.

  3. If you want to run the analysis in CodeScan Self-Hosted, CodeScan Cloud EU, or CodeScan Cloud AUS, then make the following changes in the command:

    • Add --server <Server Name>

    • Replace Project key

    • Replace Organization key

    • Replace Token

    • Replace your server name (if applicable).

      sfdx codescan:run --token <token> --project key <project key>> --organization <organization key> --server <Server Name>
  4. To view a list of parameters and flags which you can use, run the following command: sfdx help codescan:run

    $ sfdx codescan:run [name=value...] [-s <string>] [-o <string>] [-k <string>] [-t <string>] [-u <string>] [-p
      <string>] [--noqualitygate] [--javahome <string>] [--nofail] [--qgtimeout <integer>] [--json] [--loglevel
    -k, --projectkey=projectkey        sonar.projectKey - the project key
                                       to create.
    -o, --organization=organization    CodeScan Organization Id. Only
                                       required when connecting to CodeScan Cloud
    -p, --password=password            SonarQube password (token is preferred)
    -s, --server=server                SonarQube server. Defaults to CodeScan Cloud
    -t, --token=token                  SonarQube token (preferred)
    -u, --username=username            SonarQube username (token is preferred)
    --javahome=javahome                JAVA_HOME to use
    --json                             format output as json
                                       [default: warn] logging level for this
                                       command invocation
    --nofail                           Don't fail if sonar-scanner fails
    --noqualitygate                    Don't wait until the SonarQube background
                                       task is finished and return the build
                                       Quality Gate
    --qgtimeout=qgtimeout              Timeout in seconds to wait for
                                       Quality Gate to complete (default 300)

Last updated

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