Release Notes 22.3

We would like to inform you about the End of Life (EOL) for ARM version 22.3. Per our support agreement, this version is now more than 365 days old and is no longer supported. As part of our ongoing commitment to providing the best possible experience for our users and maintaining the highest standards of security and performance, we have made the decision to discontinue support for ARM 22.3.

End of Life Date: April 1, 2024

What Does This Mean?

  • End of Support: As of April 1, 2024, we will no longer provide maintenance updates, bug fixes, or technical support for ARM 22.3. This includes both security and non-security updates.

  • Security Risks: Continuing to use ARM 22.3 after the end of support date may expose your system to potential security vulnerabilities, as we will no longer release security patches.

  • Upgrade Recommendations: We strongly recommend migrating to a supported version of ARM to ensure continued reliability, security, and performance. Our team is available to assist you with this transition process and provide guidance on your upgrade.

  • Accessing Resources: While official support for ARM 22.3 will no longer be available, you can still access existing resources such as documentation, knowledge base articles, and the Knowledge Hub for reference purposes.

Action Required:

To mitigate any potential risks associated with the EOL of 22.3, we urge you to take proactive steps towards upgrade immediately. Our customer success and support team are here to assist you every step of the way. Please reach out to your CSM to plan this work.

We understand that this transition may present challenges, and we sincerely apologize for any inconvenience it may cause. However, we believe that focusing our efforts on our latest offerings will ultimately benefit you with enhanced features, improved performance, and better security.

Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

December 2022 - Version 22.3 - New Features, Enhancements, Improvements and Changelogs

Date of release: 18 December 2022 Article last updated: 31 July 2023

New Features

1. Retention Policy

You can now define a data Retention Policy and choose how much data should be stored for how long. ARM will now be considerably quicker by eliminating outdated data. Clearing out old and useless data from the database and moving it to the archives keeps the application from underperforming and improves speed across all modules.

A weekly clean-up will ensure that the application runs smoothly. The default data retention period is set as 12 months which will be implemented with the release of ARM version 22.3. Admins can specify the duration of data retention in the history tables from the My Account section and change the retention period from 12 months to 6 months or 3 months. Read more →

2. Search, Group, and Filter CI Job List

Finding a CI Job has never been easier. Instead of scrolling through endless pages, you can search for a job or a group by simply typing the name in the new dropdown lists. You can further narrow the search results by combining these two options to look for a particular job within a group.

Additionally, the filter feature provides further options to narrow the search results by source type, date range, and more. Read more →

3. Ability to Abort a Vlocity Deployment


1. Release Label Revamp

The revamp of the Release Label page is the feature of version 22.3 that stands out the most. This enhancement is actually a collection of multiple smaller enhancements, each of which is briefly discussed in this section.

  • While creating a release label, you can choose the specific period for which you want to retrieve the commit history instead of loading the entire commit history, which could take a really long time.

  • You can also create a release label while simultaneously creating a package simply by selecting a conveniently located checkbox on the same screen.

  • The selected revisions are also displayed on the same screen and updated dynamically as you select/unselect revisions.

  • Release labels are color-coded on the Release Label Summary screen for easier identification, and the search now provides leaner results.

Read more →

2. Additional Metadata Support in Search and Substitute

Additional metadata types are now compatible with the Search and Substitute rule, allowing the application to use them for Deployments and Commits.

Until now, the Search and Substitute functionality only had the ability to select a metadata type and then perform the search for substrings across all members in that type. But now, you can select specific metadata members in a type and substitute values for that member(s).

This enhancement is also helpful when users want to add object permissions only to the production and not to the lower sandboxes.

It is also beneficial to have this feature so that the rules can be created and used in CI Jobs to do the replacements automatically, depending on the deployment settings in the CI Job. Read more →

3. Additional details in the Users Export List

Export List is a comprehensive list of all registered users with an organization. This list can be downloaded from the Users module. It includes details like the users' name, email, and title; and information about user accounts created, modified, deactivated, and deleted.

With the recent release, the Export List will include a few additional details related to the last login to ensure security and compliance. Details like the location, login type, IP address, coordinates, and the browser used.

The access level of users is not mentioned in the export list for security reasons, i.e., if any users are Admin or Super Admin, this will not be specified. The company can share this list, if required, with people both inside and outside their organization without jeopardizing the confidentiality of the access granted to the users. Read more →

4. Dataloader Clone process

In addition to providing a new name, Dataloader users can now specify a different Salesforce org as a source or destination for the operation while cloning an existing job. This helps the users to reuse the same job configuration with a different Salesforce org without going through the entire process again.

For the Extract operation, users have the option to edit the query corresponding to the new org selected. For Insert/Update/Upsert/Delete operations, users have the option to upload a different .CSV file instead of the original one. Validation is done to verify whether the object is available in the new org and also if the user edits the query for the cloned process. Read more →


  • The /syncbranchcommits service is no longer supported. The users will no longer require Auto-sync functionality to create a release label. This simplifies the function's use and gets rid of unnecessary steps.

  • For improved user experience, the file upload option has been added to the New Deployment page itself. When uploading large files, this is extremely useful.

  • The password policy is reduced from 13 previously used passwords not being allowed to 5 previously used passwords. This gives users more options while resetting their passwords after the three months period or if they forget their password.

  • Improvements have been made to VC Repo flow as well as to Salesforce Org flow. You can now run scans on a repo or an org to be tagged to the same project and run comparisons so that you have traceability across the scans. The comparison feature allows for every delta scanned to be compared with the baseline. Scans are run on the source, and the results are available in the Reports module. Users can trace the jobs run using the unique identifier. Click HERE to see a few points to note about these improvements.

  • Super Admin and the user currently logged in are disabled for ALL actions. They cannot be added, deleted, suspended, activated, deactivated, edited, or their roles delegated to other users. Super Admin is displayed at the top of the users' list for easy identification.

  • The Users module now displays the last login date and time of the users instead of the phone number, and the first and last names appear under the single Name column for better monitoring and tracking.

  • Super Admin can now enter the desired thread pool count while registering an ARM agent.

  • Customers can now request for Pendo and Full Story to be enabled or disabled for their instance. Simple toggle buttons to do this are added under the Product Analytics section on the Super User Accounts page. Only Super Admin will have access to this section.

  • In DataLoader,

    • The number of records that are going to be impacted by the specific operation (Extract, Insert, Update, Upsert, or Delete) is displayed as a message before the operation begins and also on the Summary screen as Records.

    • Filters have been added to differentiate between the mapped and unmapped fields when auto-map is selected.

    • Success and error count of records is displayed while the job is still in progress. Click HERE to read more about these improvements for each of the operations.


28 February 2024

(ARM v. 22.3.55)

28 January 2024

(ARM v. 22.3.54)

21 January 2024

(ARM v. 22.3.53)

14 January 2024

(ARM v. 22.3.52)

10 December 2023

(ARM 22.3.51)

3 December 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.50)

26 November 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.49)

19 November 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.48)

15 November 2023

12 November 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.47)

5 November 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.46)

27 October 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.45)

This was a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added:

  • Loggers were added to Reports and Dashboard modules in versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a data error in which users were unable to fetch a Salesforce code coverage report.

  • An enhancement was made by a code fix applied to the Environment Provisioning module in version 22.3 to enable users to view Environment Provisioning templates.

  • An enhancement was made by a code fix applied to the Deployments and Org Synchronization modules in versions 22.3 and 23.1 enabling users to change deploy text for validations.

  • A code fix was applied to the nCino module of versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a use-case scenario during dataset creation with saving only user info in Json that is relevant to current dataset.

  • A code fix was applied to the Version Control module of versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a use-case error with an AR merge failing.

  • A code fix was applied to the Version Control module of versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a use-case error in which the incorrect removal of Custom Application type in package.xml on EZ-Commit via AR occurred.

  • A code fix was applied to the Version Control module of versions 22.3 and 23.1 in which two external pull request issues were occurring.

25 October 2023

This was a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added by code fixes resulting from use-case scenarios:

  • A Code Fix was applied to the Deployments module due to the Deployment initiated using Org Synchronization failing caused by a use case with a fix applied to versions 22.3 and 23.1.

  • A Code Fix was applied to the Version control module due to a Validation Error requiring Feature Flag: VALIDATE_DEPLOY_PICK_FILECHANGES_FROM_DIFF caused by a use case with a fix applied to versions 22.3 and 23.1.

  • A Code Fix was applied to the Reports module due to the Weekly Code/ Test Coverage Report taking a long time caused by a use case with a fix applied to versions 22.3 and 23.1.

22 October 2023

(ARM v. 22.3.44)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added.

  • Implemented an enhancement to version 22.3 identified as part of a use-case issue affecting the Deployments and Org Synchronization modules requiring changing deploy text for validations.

  • Implemented a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 affecting the CI Jobs module due to a use-case issue to SFDX/CI jobs with package version installation key.

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 affecting the Version Control module for a use-case issue related to custom label translation file.

  • Applied a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 related to the Deployments module for a use-case error with previous deployment label 'add members' option not working.

  • Added loggers to version 22.3 affecting the Version Control module due to a use-case error with user roles missing.

  • Added loggers to version 22.3 affecting the CI Jobs module resulting from a use-case with automated package generation CI job AR server exception error.

  • Implemented a flow center change to versions 22.3 and 23.1 for the Dataloader module due to a use-case error with the download button not working.

18 October 2023

This interim release consisted of the following:

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 affecting the Version Control module for a use-case issue with a custom label translation file.

15 October 2023

(ARM v22.3.43)

AutoRABIT provided the API 59.0 changes as part of its weekly fixes on both 22.3 and 23.1. This is available only for ARM modules, not for Dataloader or nCino. For DL and nCino, API 59.0 changes will be available next week as part of the Wednesday fixes deployment.

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added.

  • Instituted an enhancement via code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 affecting all ARM modules, applying Salesforce v.59 upgrade for Winter 2024.

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 relating to a use-case error affecting the CI Jobs module concerning a package directory issue.

  • Applied a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a use-case scenario pertaining to the Environmental Provisioning module with users not able to generate a migration template using the migrate custom setting data module.

  • Issued a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 for a use-case error in the Version Control module with a custom label translation file.

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 relating to a use-case error affecting the Deployments module concerning bugs in deployment with multi-packages and static resource.

  • Applied a code fix to version 22.3 resulting from a use-case error affecting Dataloader returning an 'invalid cross reference id' error for ProcessInput and ProcessingInputCondition objects.

  • Performed a code fix to version 23.1 relating to a use-case error to the Version Control module with users unable to perform new pull request commit due to commit template permission.

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 relating to a use-case error affecting the Version Control module, in which users were unable to create/append a revision to an existing label for a sub-user.

  • Implemented a code fix to version 22.3 relating to a use-case error in the Version Control module in which the user was getting empty error pop-ups under the ALM management screen for a sub-user, not displaying the ALM items.

  • Initiated a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 relating to a use-case error affecting the nCino module for a 'no modifications status' displayed for a version control BR job.

11 October 2023

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 related to a use case scenario affecting the Version Control module related to ALM tickets being bugged after using the ALM sync refresh.

8 October 2023

(ARM v22.3.42)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added.

  • Performed a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 for a use-case error affecting the Admin module relating to code coverage issues.

  • Applied a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 related to a use-case error in the Deployments module concerning a flow component missed in the deployment.

  • Implemented a code fix to versions 22.3 and 23.1 for a use-case error related to a specific customer’s fields for redeployment.

  • Applied a code fix to the nCino module in versions 22.3 and 23.1 pertaining to [arm-qan] no modification status displayed for version control BR job.

  • Added loggers to versions 22.3 and 23.1 to correct a use-case error in the Deployments module pertaining to a deployment bug occurring with multi packages and static resources.

1 October 2023

(ARM v22.3.41)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added.

  • A code fix was applied to the version control module in releases 22.3 and 23.1 due to a use-case error with a user being unable to create a new commit.

  • A code fix was performed for release versions 22.3 and 23.1 to the Deployments module for a use-case error resulting in a buggy deployment with multi packages and the static resources being bugged as well.

  • A code fix was applied to the version control module in releases 22.3 and 23.1 concerning a use-case error for an EZ-Commit, where the user was unable to view the 'deleted components' tab for the commit template when unchecking the 'skip mappings' checkbox.

  • A code fix was implemented to versions 22.3 and 23.1 to correct an error with the Deployments module due to a deployment initiated using Org Synchronization failing.

  • A code fix was applied to releases 22.3 and 23.1 due to a use-case error in which the registration date of the repository was not correct in the version control repository (created date in AutoRABIT).

  • A code fix was performed to versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a data error in the version control module preventing ALM working items from loading.

  • A code fix was initiated to versions 22.3 and 23.1 due to a data error affecting the reports module, in which a user was getting an error message when executing a static code analysis (CodeScan) report.

  • A code fix was applied to version 22.3 in the version control module pertaining to a use-case error with changes not getting fetched via autodraft after reverting a commit.

  • A code fix was implemented in versions 22.3 and 23.1 to the version control module related to a use-case error wherein the baseline job has modified the Salesforce folder structure in GitHub.

  • A code fix was integrated to the version control module in version 22.3 after a data error caused by a feature template migration issue. The feature flag is MERGE_SKIP_AUTORESOLVE_CONFIGURATION_FILES.

  • A code fix to version 22.3 was implemented affecting all modules from a data error when setting up SFDX deployment.

  • A code fix was applied to the version control module in version 22.3 resulting from a use-case error with an ARM commit comment label error.

  • A code fix was implemented to the nCino module for versions 22.3 and 23.1 for a data error in which the records count was not being updated in the object sidebar for the version control baseline revision job.

24 September 2023

(ARM v22.3.40) This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added:

  • A code fix was implemented due to a use-case error to the Version Control module regarding an issue with merging destructive changes.

  • A code fix was applied to the Deployment module due to a data error concerning an Org difference pulling changes from the managed packages.

  • A code fix was applied due to a use-case error relating to the Deployments module with a user unable to deploy components via Org Sync.

  • A code fix was applied pertaining to the CI Jobs module relating to a use-case error in which the CI Job has two different package directories and changes fall under one package when an analysis is completed on CodeScan

  • Performed a code fix relating to a use-case error in on the Deployments module in which a deployment bug with multi packags and static resource was bugged.

17 September 2023

(ARM v22.3.39) This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added.

  • A code fix was implemented to the Deployment module related to a use-case error encountered when deploying Vlocity components from a Git branch.

  • A code fix was implemented related to the CI Jobs module to institute best practices following a user session.

  • A code fix was implemented to the Version Control module related to a use-case error pertaining to [integration_EZ-commit]. User was getting a "no package .xml found to retrieve the members" through package manifest when selecting 'all users or the respective SF org user.'

10 September 2023

(ARM v22.3.38)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added:

  1. As part of this fix deployment, one of the feature flags, 'RUN_PACKAGE_JOB_ENTIRE_BRANCH_78757,' has been provided. Enabling this feature flag only applies to one specific customer.

  2. Implemented a code fix associated with the version control module for a use-case error in which ALM working items were not loading.

  3. Implemented a code fix for a use-case error pertaining to the version control module for an approval email notification error.

  4. As a result of a use-case error relating to a feature template migration issue, a new feature flag has been provided, 'MERGE_CONFLICTS_AUTORESOLVE_CONFIGFILES_USINGSOURCE,' which must be enabled for one specific customer only: More details are provided in the ticket itself.

  5. Implemented a code fix related to a use-case error where the AutoRABIT deployment initiated using Org Synchronization fails. This error pertains to the Version Control module.

  6. Implemented a code fix related to the CI Jobs module related to setting up SFDX deployment, with the Feature Flag:

    Regarding one ticket, 'Setting up SFDX Deployment': Only for the 'Create and Install an Unlocked/Managed Package Version from a Version Control Branch' CI, type in the CI Job configuration. When selecting the 'Trigger build on commit' option, we have hidden the 'Process commit revision received via hook only' sub-option. This change will be incorporated into our documentation. Further details are available in the ticket itself.

  7. Implemented a code fix related to the nCino module error:

  8. Implemented a code fix related to an internal ticket in ARM, in which the user was not able to migrate related data using the Dataloader test environment setup module.

  9. Implemented a code fix related to the Deployment module for an EBR Manual Asyncid XML Copy Automation error.

3 September 2023

(ARM v22.3.37)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added:

  • Implemented a code fix associated with the version control module related to a use-case scenario in which a review artifact was not working.

  • Implemented a code fix to the nCino module resulting from a user product suggestion to the deployment history filter.

  • Implemented a code fix to the nCino module related to an instance in which the org name was not displayed for the destination org value field.

27 August 2023

(ARM v22.3.36)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were enhanced, fixed, or added:

  • Error: "Merging from Devint branch to Developer branch (Back merge) is getting Auto Rejected": Code fix to Version Control module on user merging from Devint branch to Developer branch (Back merge) getting Auto Rejected.

  • Implemented a UI change to include the “Ignore Warnings” option in both the prevalidation commit and merge flows. This requires a documentation change. See ticket for more details.

  • Error: “[Client] getting frequent page unresponsive errors in ARM": Introduced a UI change to support Salesforce orgs and the previous label deployment type in the deployment module.

  • Performed a code fix affecting the Deployments module related to a use-case error with the client getting frequent page unresponsive errors in ARM. This also requires an update in our documentation. Further information is in the ticket.

  • Error: “Branching baseline is not picking all components from production": Based on the customer-confirmed downtime window, it was necessary to enable the "METADATA_API_TO_DX_CONVERSION" feature flag for this fix deployment.

  • Performed a code fix concerning the Admin module due to an error with a branching baseline not picking all components from production with feature flag error: ‘METADATA_API_TO_DX_CONVERSION’.

  • Error in CodeScan Plugin pop-up window where the user was unable to type text in Org key drop-down selection field, which required a code fix to the Admin module. (Internal ticket)

  • Performed a code fix related to a use-case error during Vlocity deployments showing "NoOrgFoung" after activation of LWC components. Fix applied to the CI Jobs and Deployment modules.

  • Code fix applied to SFDX module for the user receiving an error message showing login failed. Also related to CI Jobs, scratch org creation was being struck in progress and not able to be deleted.

  • Applied a code fix for the Version Control module related to a user being unable to select the ALM side, getting a JAVA error.

  • Initiated a code fix to the Deployments module related to an error during an EZ deployment from a single revision with profiles and comp-specific changes pulling all comps.

  • Executed a code fix to the Deployments module on a use-case error affecting an AR deployment initiated using Org Synchronization failing.

  • Applied a code fix related to the following use-case error: [Cijobs-DXModulePckagecreation] facing the "["An unexpected error occurred while preparing endpoint: null. Please contact Salesforce Support and provide the following error code: 795089467-5806 (-1215335089)"].

  • Initiated a code fix to the nCino module for a client use-case error concerning spread template issues.

  • Performed a code fix for a customer use-case scenario regarding an error related to an nCino CI job deployment issue.

20 August 2023

(ARM v22.3.35) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Performed a code fix impacting the Deployments and CI Jobs modules related to use cases in which selected test classes for production were not running and users were having code coverage issues.

  • Performed a code fix for the Admin module related to a specific user having difficulty with PWD policy.

  • Performed a code fix to the CI Jobs and Deployment modules relating to users unable to deploy changes to production orgs due to a CI Jobs coding issue.

  • Performed a code fix to the CI Jobs module related to an error message as login failed.

  • Performed a code fix on the CI Jobs module pertaining to Vlocity SFI components not compiling LWC on destination orgs when deploying via CI Jobs.

  • Performed a code fix related to the CI Jobs module for CI Job not starting according to schedule.

  • Performed a code fix related to the CI Jobs module to resolve an error related to setting up SFDX deployment and CI Job configuration.

  • Performed a code fix to the nCino module for an error in which the screen template failed with a malformed query exception.

13 August 2023

(ARM v22.3.34)

This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Performed a code fix pertaining to all modules relating to an SFDX to SF CLI Hotfix.

  • Performed a code fix relating to version control, CI jobs, and deployment modules initiated via change request due to ALM working items not loading, resolved by enabling the customer domain name.

  • Performed a code fix for a data error with feature flag name, ‘Disable_Merge_Rename_Detection’ after a merge was failing and took hours to complete.

  • Performed a code fix for the version control, CI jobs, and deployment modules pertaining to a data error, validation failing for the LWC component despite no error message being displayed in the logs.

  • Performed a code fix related to a use-case error in the version control module pertaining to a commit showing a “no modification” error.

  • Performed a code fix related to a use-case error affecting the version control, CI jobs, and deployment modules caused by an error merging a commit from the dev environment to the INT environment.

  • Performed a code fix to the version control module resulting from a use-case error where the commit was incorrectly showing “no modification”.

  • Performed a code fix related to a data error pertaining to the version control module, when Jira integration stories redeploy post sandbox refresh.

  • Performed a code fix for a use-case error in the deployment module related to filter-based retrievals not working when applying the ‘created by,’ ‘modified by,’ ‘created date,’ and ‘modified date’ filters.

  • Performed a code fix related to a performance issue in the nCino module pertaining to Spread Template issues.

  • Fixed an error in the deployment module when ‘Run Specified Tests’ is selected from the Apex Test Level dropdown.

  • Rather than a code fix, a customer-specific utility was provided to address SSO login issues in the admin module. This particular utility only works in versions 22.3.9 or lower for one individual customer.

06 August 2023

(ARM v22.3.33) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an error under reports where code coverage emails were missing information.

  • Fixed an error related to a second deployment starting in the middle of a deployment.

  • Fixed an error in version control module related to not being able to commit or Repush changes in the Training Branch.

  • Fixed an error in version control module related to a feature flag: USE_PATCH_LOGIC_IN_EZCOMMIT for Code overwritten (feature not enabled by default).

  • Fixed an error for CI Job module where ALM-enabled failed due to Unparsable date error.

  • Fixed an error concerning multiple CI Jobs failing due to data error.

  • Fixed an error related to the Deployment, CI Jobs, and Version Control modules occurring when merging a commit from dev environment to INT environment.

  • Fixed an error related to deployments getting frequent page unresponsive errors in ARM.

  • Fixed an error under the Admin module relating to being unable to select the revision number while creating the Tag.

  • Fixed an error for Create and Install Package CI job deployment failing if having multiple package directories on the branch.

  • Fixed an error under the Admin module, My Account >> Merge Settings: Not visible Border for "Notify All Criteria Overwrites To" field.

  • Fixed an error under the Admin module, which enabled Domain names to be visible in the inspect mode.

  • Fixed an error in the nCino module related to [ARM-QAN] attachments’ deployment Failed with Bulk API.

  • Fixed an error in the nCino module related to a Pricebook entry.

  • Fixed an error related to the nCino module with scheduled Job not showing up in UI after completion due to Deploy Status Not Updated.

  • Fixed an error related to the nCino module with a CI Job Edit not populating with scheduled time details.

30 July 2023

(ARM v22.3.32) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue with duplicate not working on EZ-merge requests related to version control.

  • Fixed EZ deployments from a single revision with profiles comp-specific changes pulling all comps during deployments.

  • Fixed an error related to CI Jobs not running the pipeline.

  • Fixed situations with both version control prevalidation commit and merge where static code analysis processes are stuck in an In-progress state when VNC is not started.

  • Helped generate the reports for CI/CD pipelines for nCino reports.

  • Performed Jira integration story’s redeploy post-sandbox refresh in version control.

  • Fixed a specified metadata type is unsupported: [processflowmigration] error in CI Jobs.

  • Set up the SFDX Deployment in CI Jobs.

  • Fixed an error with a CI Job not identifying changes.

  • Fixed an error related to BHG with CI Job webhooks failing to trigger.

  • Performed nCino AR template updates.

23 July 2023

(ARM v22.3.31) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue with a merge use case of handling deleted files in both source and target branches by using git rm command.

  • Fixed an issue where screen redirects to login page on clicking on User activation email.

  • Fixed an issue where Commit stuck in InProgress.

  • Fixed an issue where we receive “JAXB marshall/unmarshall exception” while getting directed to CI results screen.

  • Fixed an issue where Release labels are taking 30 minutes or more to be available for repository in Version control.

  • Fixed an issue where Merges are taking a long time to complete in version control.

  • Fixed an issue where components selected on review component pages were being repeated in the next category in Version Control.

  • Fixed an issue where same name should be reflected instead of Commit showing a different name in Bitbucket in Version Control.

  • Fixed an issue where JIRA ALM Filter mappings not working in My profile & Version Control.

  • Fixed an issue where the Login rate exceeded error on the Salesforce Integration user.

  • Fixed an issue where Backup to Version Control is not backing up Matching Rules in Salesforce in CI jobs.

  • Fixed an issue where the shared server with common DB creates another customer weekly report in another server.

  • Fixed an issue where Custom field property didn’t deploy in CI Jobs and Deployment.

  • Fixed an issue where Diff report is not generated in New Deployment Module.

  • Fixed an issue where Unsupported metadata template execution is failing in Sandbox Refresh in Environment Provisioning module.

  • Enhanced DataLoader uber jar upgrade to 58.0.3.

  • Fixed an issue where we are facing Record Configuration Time Out in nCino.

  • Enhanced UI in Post Deployment activities result page in CI Job – nCino.

  • Enhanced the View details page not being visible unless post-deployment activities are completed – nCino.

18 June 2023

(ARM v22.3.26) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Enhanced ARM by allowing PAT Authentication for Jira.

  • Fixed an issue where user ran an Org Synchronization history job and tried to access the Diff report to see the metadata difference, but the page kept loading indefinitely without the required diff.

  • Upgraded Provar to version 2.10.1.

  • Fixed an issue where the Approval option wasn't functional for L1 Approvers, and the Org Admin couldn't bypass the approval gate on EZ-Merge.

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where user created a Feature deployment task, but the jobs were stuck the queue.

  • Introduced a new feature in DataLoader called Hard Delete which can be used to delete the data completely and permanently instead of sending it to the Recycle Bin of the org.

  • Fixed an issue where CI Job build history was not displaying the results and throwing a blank page instead.

  • Fixed a UI bug where Abort option for CI job was displaying even after the build was successful.

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate ALM Commit entries were Displaying while performing ALM Commit with Vlocity repository.

  • Fixed an issue where the CI edit configuration screen was taking longer to load than expected before throwing Page Unresponsive alert.

  • Fixed an issue with DataLoader Pro where user created a new job and applied filter, but the source and destination orgs are taken from history page.

  • Fixed an issue with DataLoader where Insert operation bulk API selection was resulting in console error message serializeToString.

  • Fixed an issue where Vlocity metadata components were getting expanded on the Finish page.

11 June 2023

(ARM v22.3.25) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where deployment failed with the error message File cannot be loaded.

  • Fixed an issue where the SharingCriteriaRule component was not deployed to Production even though the user had selected it (#73824).

  • Fixed an issue where the SharingReasons component was ignored when the deployment/validation was done using Commit Label as source, but the same component was processed using Single Revision deployment or CI Job deployment (#72073).

  • Fixed an issue where user was trying to create an connect an Active Directory but it kept failing (#73582).

  • Fixed an issue where user was migrating a field value with Rich Text Area Field type but it was not reflecting in the target org as expected. Hyperlinks, font size, etc., were not migrated as present in the source Salesforce org (#73371 and #56084).

  • Fixed a UI bug where Deployment Failed line was displayed twice in the logs for failed deployments (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where admin was unable to release a user from a team (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Null Values were displayed on the ALM Labels screen as well as the ALM Details tab on the respective ALM Commit Label Details screen (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where selected files for DX Commits were not displayed in the File Changes tab, and after the commit it was showing as No Modifications (internal ticket).

04 June 2023

(ARM v22.3.24) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where a CI job failed to pick the external commit revision which was added to an ALM Label as part of Smart Commits sync (#71444).

  • Fixed an issue where Class Coverage Report generated was empty for one of the Salesforce orgs, and it was intermittent. The same behavior was observed for RunSpecified and RunLocal test levels (#71367).

  • Fixed an issue where deploying test classes from manual deployment was throwing an out of memory error (#71872).

  • Fixed an issue where BackUp to Version Control CI Job was failing due to too many retrieval error messages even though the Bulk API option was enabled (#72181).

  • Fixed an issue where while performing any commit, Pull Request enabled CI Job was triggering as expected; but its Build and Deployment status was not added in the Comments in Bitbucket (#72811).

  • Fixed an issue where EZ-Commits were stuck with In-progress status for a few hours before failing. But the commit revisions were generated at the repository level and updated in ARM database (#72817).

  • Fixed an issue where the Git author was overridden by ARM (#71393).

  • Fixed an issue with DataLoader where user was unable to create an Update job because the functionality prompoted user to select the Required field within the Mapping Fields (#73515).

  • Fixed an issue with DataLoader where user was getting a script error in the console while editing an existing old job (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Destructive commit for DX was not working as expected for Documents, Reports, and Dashboards types (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where the Layout file was not displayed in the Review Artifact screen after resolving the layout duplicates (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where 4 CI jobs were running parallelly even though the parallel process limit was 1 on the external agent (internal ticket).

28 May 2023

(ARM v22.3.23) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed a compliance issue with Apache Commons by removing the text dependency (#71947).

  • Fixed an issue where CI Jobs were failing due to empty JSON file(s) in the remote repository, and throwing the following error: Failed to initiate deployment. Unexpected end of JSON input (#72217).

  • Improved the UI by removing the Validate Deployment option if Vlocity is selected, and hiding the whole Board Type option if Vlocity is not enabled (#70993).

  • Fixed an issue where user was performing CI jobs for Validate and Deploy for a successful commit, but only validation was performed but not the deployment (#72751).

  • Fixed an issue where CI job deployment was failing because the build was picking duplicate Layout values (#71214).

  • Fixed an issue where unwanted metadata changes were observed in the package.xml file while performing a commit (#72089 and #71820).

  • Fixed an issue where Branching Baseline was not picking all the components from production (#70720).

  • Enhanced DataLoader by adding related objects and the fields of those objects displayed, so you can select the required fields of the related objects in the filter criteria and edit the query through SOQL editor (#58549 and #38339).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where CI jobs that used a Deployment from Version Control were failing when the build was triggered (#71914).

  • Improved the New Merge screen by adding Layouts text in the Skip Flow /Profile/ Perm.Set Access-Setting Duplicity Check option (internal ticket).

  • Fixed a UI bug where SF Org Test Connection notification message was displayed on an unrelated module (internal ticket).

  • Removed the option to sign up for a 30-day Salesforce trial while registering a DevHub as the trial offer is no longer applicable (internal ticket).

21 May 2023

(ARM v22.3.22) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where wrong timezone region was displaying for users (#71553).

  • Fixed an issue where the EZ-Commits report file displayed the file count but not the components count (#71538).

  • Fixed an issue where clone build jobs were taking between 10 and 25 minutes, which is much longer than expected (#70227).

  • Fixed an issue where CI job build failed to show changes in the org after deployment (#70791 and #71956).

  • Fixed an issue where CI job to generate Code Coverage Report was not reflected in the org or in the e-mail notification (#72042).

  • Fixed an issue where merge status is displayed as completed but no revision is generated, and the merge is not available in the UAT branch (#71266).

  • Enhanced DataLoader by adding the ability to field mapping through the lookup fields (#58480).

  • Fixed an issue with DataLoader where while running an Extract job on the PUBLISHER object, the job was failing with the following error Publisher: column id is not supported in ORDER BY clause (#71303).

  • Enhanced the nCino filter criteria by adding the ability to search and filter labels using the whole or partial name (#71826).

  • Enhanced ARM by using known vulnerable components through the DataTables 1.10.12 plugin for advanced data table functionalities such as sorting, filtering, pagination, and more. This allows users to easily display and manipulate large sets of data on their web pages in a user-friendly manner (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with Prevalidation Merge where users were unable to deploy the ApexClass Tests related to ApexClasses and Apex Triggers (internal ticket).

  • Fixed a UI bug where the date column in the EZ-Commit Weekly report was displaying incorrect values (internal ticket).

14 May 2023

(ARM v22.3.21) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where user was having trouble while deploying LighteningMessageChannel components (#70787).

  • Fixed an issue where Destructive Changes wasn't working as expected while performing an Entire Branch merge (#68882).

  • Enhanced the ALM management feature by adding an option to sync Smart Commits (#58904).

  • Fixed an issue with CI Jobs Destructive Sharing Rule was not deploying to the Salesforce org (#71183).

  • Fixed an issue where user could not disable the Smart Commits-Sync option for a repository branch in the VC repos section (#70854).

  • Improved the New Merge screen by removing the Validate Deployment option from the UI if Vlocity is selected (#70993).

  • Enhanced the Credentials module by adding SSH Cetificate option for Git Authentication (#67725).

  • Improved Release label creation by requiring at least two revisions to be selected (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Classic SF Org URL with a slash at the end of the URL redirects to the 400 error page, and for a Lightning SF Org URL without a slash gives an OAuth Authentication Failed error message (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where user was getting a NullPointerException on Saving Permissions using Bulk Assignment (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with CI Jobs where all the scheduled timings were not displayed in the Preview & Save page (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with Dataloader where user was able to upload a 900 MB file despite the limit being 100 MB, causing the process to hang (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with Dataloader where sever crashed after user performed an Extract operation from an SF org which had Account Object with 2 million records (internal ticket).

07 May 2023

(ARM v22.3.20) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where user was getting a validation deployment error while performing release label deployment (#70400).

  • Fixed an issue where Branching Baseline was taking longer than expected (#67814).

  • Fixed an issue where using the AutoDraft functionality in EZ-Commit was resulting in a malformed exception in the UI (#70458).

  • Fixed an issue where Branching baseline was not picking all components from production (#70720).

  • Fixed an issue where prevalidation merge failed with empty metadata package even though there were changes in File Diff (#32256).

  • Fixed an issue where entire ARM application was down temporarily (#70658).

  • Fixed an issue where Merge was auto-rejected due to an empty package because the metadata folder path not being specified under branch settings (#69788).

  • Fixed an issue where user was using the Bulk Assignment feature to assign Sandbox permissions on the Permissions page but encountered the following error: Java.lang.NullPointerException (#70868).

  • Fixed an issue where users weren't receiving SCA reports by email even though the reports were running (#70751).

  • Fixed an issue where while performing new EZ-Commit, user edited one line using review artifact option but Diff did not capture the same (#70270).

  • Fixed an issue where if CI Jobs were added in a queue with Scheduled jobs, then not all jobs were displayed in the queue (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where existing revision file related delta still existed in agent even after uploading to rabitserver (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where release label creation was failing when user tried to create package manifest and aborted and refreshed the label for DX repo (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Super admin user was getting a blank popup screen while trying to click on the Register Agent button from the Pool Mgmt screen (internal ticket).

30 April 2023

(ARM v22.3.19) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Enhanced the Version Control module by adding SSH Certificate for Git authentication while creating user credentials (#67725).

  • Fixed an issue where CI Job was picking changes one build but not for the other, and the logs weren't capturing this (#69164).

  • Fixed an issue where Ignore missing visibility settings function was not working as expected and Record type visibility on the profile was not getting deployed using CI Job (#67654).

  • Fixed an issue where user merged a new component using a single revision merge but the merge missed to perform a CodeScan analysis (#70391).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to commit the destructive Email Template files as part of commit in SFDX format and getting auto failure (#70351).

  • Fixed a UI issue where OK button to reject an EZ-Merge was not working (#70041).

  • Fixed an issue where a field was available in the package but still Validation was throwing error that the field was missing (#69831).

  • Fixed an issue with DataLoader where multiple jobs were not processing parallelly when user loaded a large number of jobs to the queue (#62559).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where user created more than 100 jobs with sub-user but was still getting the following error: No jobs exist to load (#69831).

  • Fixed an issue where Release Label artifact was not displaying metadata types in the Destructive changes tab for DX repos, but was working as expected for non-DX repos (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where new jobs are getting added to the queue but not getting triggered, and later throwing NullPointer Exception (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Rollback button was not enabled for the first job if that job is came from a queued list (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where ALM CI Job and Release artifact execution was happening at the same time, and the CI Job build was failing (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where an empty pop-up was displayed when user tried to edit the existing CI jobs label for Sub-User (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where if Validate only CI job came from the queue, then direct deployment was executing for that job instead of validate deployment (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where duplicates revisions were being added to the list while creating the release label when user unselected and reselected the same revisions. (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Vlocity revisions were not displaying while user was trying to edit a release label (internal ticket).

  • Enhanced the Release Label creation page by adding options to the Vlocity label type which were only available for Salesforce revisions before (internal ticket).

23 April 2023

(ARM v22.3.18) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where the SCA Report failed to run using Codescan plugin with the below Salesforce error: UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION: An unexpected error occurred. (#61676 and #67675).

  • Enhanced the VC Repos page by introducing a feature that allows users to sync external smart commits (#58904).

  • Updated the UI on the External pull request creation page to reflect the Source and Target fields clearly so users can trace which one is the source and destination branches (#69772).

  • Fixed an issue where duplicate entries were created in different lines during the Merge process and user wasn't able to remove the duplicate field without clearing the layout tag as well (#68012).

  • Fixed an issue where the baseline branch is not displayed during Static Code Analysis job creation if the branch name contains spaces in the Reports module (#69614).

  • Enhanced deployment in ARM by providing a new option Rollback on error in merge pre-validation. This checkbox allows users to choose if deployment should proceed with remaining components in case of errors (#47794).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where CI job filter changes on templates were not taking effect after saving (#66956).

  • Fixed an issue where user created a baseline revision job with the Automation Sanity repo and triggered the build but it failed without any error (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where user could not fetch the ApexClass Tests related to ApexTriggers upon selecting Run Tests Based On Changes as an option (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where error 405 in the build and deployment logs didn't display further details in the UI log (internal ticket).

  • Fixed a UI bug where dropdown selection in Reports > CodeCoverage Reports was not working after refreshing the page (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Release Label artifact was not displaying metadata types in the Destructive changes tab for DX repos, but was working as expected for non-DX repos (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to revert the commit if a previously reverted commit was deleted while in Conflict state (internal ticket).

16 April 2023

(ARM v22.3.17) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Enhanced the SCA report options by removing the 10,000 limit for exporting issues using CodeScan (#48644).

  • Enhanced Vlocity CI jobs by allowing Local Compilation for Omniscript and Flexcard objects (#55641 and #50301).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to use the Redeploy/Promote option after ten iterations of an existing Deployment label (#69084).

  • Fixed an issue where user was trying to commit System Permissions which were enabled in Salesforce org, but while performing EZ-Commit, file Diff is not getting generated and the system permissions are not getting committed (#67826).

  • Fixed an issue where ALM label merge option was not working in EZ-Merge feature. This happened only when the ALM Label contained / in it (#67818).

  • Fixed an issue where EZ-Merge was failing with NullPointerException (#67502).

  • Fixed a recurring issue of ARM overwriting the Salesforce Org - Default Apex Test Class Configuration by adding a checkbox Do you want us to update the test classes? (#65565).

  • Fixed an issue where Revert commits were failing without any error messages (#68771).

  • Fixed an issue where user created a Release label with multiple commit revisions, each with dependency components, but the revisions were not displaying in the right order in UI (#68939).

  • Fixed a UI bug where when user unchecked Validate deployment option in EZ-Merge, the Run destructive changes checkbox was hidden (#68750).

  • Fixed an issue where when user had files in conflicted state, selecting the ALL checkbox was not working and user had to click on each file to resolve conflicts (#65680).

  • Fixed an issue where the NPM repository Access Key wasn't saving after clicking Save, causing the Local Compilation to fail (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where comments lines were not executed in Metadata when there were spaces in the comment line in merge flow (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where an empty popup screen is displayed while resolving conflicts in case of malformed file (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where improper validation message is displayed after clicking on Resolve Duplicates without selecting any files to resolve (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where SSO user's org was not deleted from the Security-Context XML (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where the API Token status was marked as Never Accessed, despite the API being in use already (internal ticket).

09 April 2023

(ARM v22.3.16) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where validation jobs on Pull Requests weren't getting triggered (#67538, #67494, and #67448).

  • Fixed an issue where Salesforce components were showing under the Apex Test Success tab in the Deployment module, which is not expected behavior (#67537).

  • Enhanced the Branching Baseline feature by allowing admin to define default baseline branches, making it easier for developers to choose the default branch for each project (#63571).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to register a branch even though Test Connection was successful (#67023).

  • Fixed an issue where ARM wasn't fetching the ApexClass Tests related to ApexTriggers upon selecting Run Tests Based On Changes option (#67503).

  • Fixed an issue where SCA Report failed to run using Codescan plugin with the following Salesforce error: An unexpected error occurred. Please include this ErrorId if you contact support: 384187622-16951 (-673032061) (#61676 and #67675).

  • Fixed an issue where triggered CI jobs were either failing due to an error No Such File or Directory found, or getting aborted automatically after some time and logs weren't printing at the back end (#67549, #66910, #67724, #67720, #66881, and #67667).

  • Fixed an issue where triggered CI jobs were taking too long to build, and also slowing down ARM altogether (#66846).

  • Fixed an issue where if the file name contained spaces, Commit Validation via VS Code plugin was unable to detect the file (#63518).

  • Fixed an issue where Search & Substitute was not updating the value for a custom label in the SF org (#66809).

  • Fixed an issue where there was a discrepancy between the changes captured in the ARM Diff and the repos in BitBucket (#60596).

  • Fixed an issue where the SF org URL is not displaying the updated one under Profile (#67718).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where CI job filter changes on templates are not reflecting after saving (#66956).

  • Fixed an issue with Dataloader Pro where user tried to migrate Account Object Data with Attachments Object, but the logs verify that there is a Null Pointer Exception. (internal ticket).

  • Improved nCino by adding additional loggers for Branching baseline for user to view the status in the UI (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to filter while trying to select a job which had spaces in the job name (internal ticket).

02 April 2023

(ARM v22.3.15) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where Custom Metadata type access changes were not detected in version control Diff. There was no diff generated even there were changes in metadata access (#59458).

  • Fixed an issue where user performed a CI job deployment that had 8 destructive change items in the merge PR, but ARM is displaying only 2 destructive changes (#66587).

  • Fixed an issue where Git backup job was failing due to unsupported metadata (#66536).

  • Fixed an issue where scheduled CI jobs were getting queued or not getting triggered as per schedule (#57749).

  • Fixed an issue where Quick action was not picked for destructive changes (#65058).

  • Fixed an issue where while running the scan from ARM for the version control branches are failing because .java files were present in the current repository (#63234).

  • Fixed an issue where user using non-SFDX repo with Custom API enabled failed to pick the changes in the CI job (#64497).

  • Fixed an issue where Release label displayed commit revisions older than 30 days even when the No. of days filter was set as 30 (#63845).

  • Fixed an issue where a user had trouble creating artifact for a release label (#65557).

  • Fixed an issue where there are Vlocity components in Merge Validation, and the validation deployment should bypass and process the merge; instead it is Auto-rejecting as criteria were not met (#65625).

  • Fixed an issue with Dataloader where a job completes with No records status whenever attachment and content version are selected as child objects in the parent cccount object (#66655).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where CI job build status is displayed as Completed for a failed job (#64479).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where attachements to nFORMS__Form_Template__c failed to get deployed (#65242).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to initiate static code analysis on a Salesforce Org (#51559).

  • Fixed an issue with New EZ- Commit where while using Custom YAML file the page was taking much longer to load than usual (#65742).

  • Fixed an issue where Merge was happening on incorrect files (#64485).

  • Fixed an issue where for DX repo, Custom field destructive Deployment was failing with the error Package generation without a valid package directory cannot be processed (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue from the VS Code where Static Code Analysis report was not getting executed on the selected files and report generated (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Release Label creation with SVN Repo was not successful, and throwing the following errors (internal ticket):

    • Supplied AttributeValue is empty, must contain exactly one of the supported datatypes (Service: AmazonDynamoDBv2; Status Code: 400; Error Code: ValidationException; Request ID: a59c77cb-67ad-4a58-80b4-364feb5a4d6c; Proxy: null)

    • No Version Control Mappings found for Repo: {} and Branch: {}. Please update it in My Profile

  • Fixed an issue where Merge was not Auto-rejected after UI logs displayed Mock deployment is failed, so auto rejecting the merge (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue where Revision in Vlocity release label was not getting selected after you clicked save (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where user was getting an exception while creating a CI job, and user was selecting the same VC Repo/Branch for multiple times (internal ticket).

26 March 2023

(ARM v22.3.14) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where Quick action was not picked for destructive changes (#65058).

  • Fixed an issue where CI job deployment was failing due to the following error: Error: Cannot set sharingModel to ControlledByParent on a CustomObject without a MasterDetail relationship field (line 0, column 0) (#60914 and #65855).

  • Fixed an issue where WebStoreTemplates object was not available for deployment (#65854).

  • Fixed an issue where Merge Request XML file was conflicting with an error No conflict data found for this block (#65164).

  • Fixed an issue where Release label failed while creating the artifact (#64491).

  • Fixed an issue where Prevalidation EZ-Commit shows that Diff does not exist even when there are changes. If user tries multiple times, then Diff is displayed sometimes (#64612).

  • Fixed an issue where user was unable to merge the code from one branch to another branch. (#65570).

  • Fixed an issue where Ignore Missing Visibility settings not working on EZ-Merge validation (#65162).

  • Fixed an issue where user was loading multiple DataLoader jobs but it was not processing parallelly (#62559).

  • Fixed a UI bug in nCino where the header in template details section was missing in Feature Deployment (internal ticket).

  • Fixed an issue with nCino where Deployment Logs were not displayed when the CI Job failed (internal ticket).

19 March 2023

(ARM v22.3.13) This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:

  • Fixed an issue where CI job deployments were failing with the error, Error 405 Only POST allowed (#64228).

  • Fixed an issue where multiple deployment requests were being generated while performing Org Sync if the user selected all components instead of a few (#51288).

  • Fixed an issue where Rollback API threw a 200 response but the Rollback immediately failed in the ARM UI (#65146).

  • Fixed an issue where SCA report Failed to run using the Codescan Plugin with the following Salesforce error 384187622-16951 (-673032061) (#61676).

  • Fixed an issue where users were having trouble logging in to ARM due to an error Session Invalid (#64965, #65052, and #64969).

  • Fixed an issue where after upgrading to ARM version 22.3 user was unable to approve EZ-Commits that were pending approval in the 22.2 (#64094).

  • Fixed an issue where Auto-draft was taking much longer than expected to retrieve the metadata in EZ-Commit (#65109, #65007, #64950, #64510, #64645, #64161, and #64523).

  • Fixed an issue where user was trying to resolve a conflict in EZ-Merge but was getting a message on the UI that there are no conflicts (#64185).

  • Fixed an issue where Branching Baseline job does not delete files in static resources sub d