GIT Branch Creation


Developers can create a branch to work on a new version of an existing application. Changes in the primary or other branches will only affect your branch if you pull the latest changes from those branches.

Creating a new branch for each task is a common practice because it allows others to identify what changes to expect and, for backtracking purposes, to understand why a particular code change is implemented.

Creation of a GIT Branch

  1. Log in to your ARM account.

  2. From the ARM home page, click on the Admin module and go to the VC Repo's tab.

  1. Select a GIT repository for which the branch needs to be created.Note:If your GIT repository is nCino enabled, the nCino logo will be marked in front of your repository.

  2. Under Branches, click on Create button.

  1. In Create Branch screen, give a Branch name and select Parent Branch and Branch Type from the list. If the Parent Branch configures a metadata folder path, the same configuration will map to the newly created branch.

Note: The characters "//" \ , * ? & ' " < > | ` ~ ( ) and space are not allowed in the Branch Name field.

  1. Click Create to complete the creation process.

Registration of an existing GIT branch

  1. On the VC Repo's page, select a GIT repository from the repositories list.

  2. Click Register.

  1. Checkbox the branches you need to register and enter the following details:

    • Parent Branch: Choose its parent branch from the drop-down.

    • Last commit date: The last commit date is fetched from Salesforce Org in EZ-Commit based on the specified date.

  2. Once done, click Register to complete the branch registration.

Registration of nCino configured GIT branch

  1. On the Version Control Repositories page, select a GIT repository marked with the nCino logo.

  2. Click Register.

  1. Checkbox the branches you need to register and select its Parent Branch and last commit date (the last commit date is used to fetch changes from Salesforce Org in EZ-Commit based on the specified date).

  2. Click the Register button to complete the branch registration.

Last updated