CodeScan Blocks, Lines, and Field Inquiries

How various elements are counted within CodeScan

What is a 'Block' of Code in CodeScan?

A 'block' in CodeScan refers to a defined segment of code that can be scanned in one operation. Specifically, a block consists of up to 40,000 lines of code. This metric is used to quantify and manage the code analysis process effectively.

How is a 'Line' of Code Defined in CodeScan?

In CodeScan, a 'line' of code is defined as any physical line in the codebase that contains at least one non-whitespace character and is not part of a comment. This definition ensures a consistent and accurate measurement of the actual code being analyzed, excluding whitespaces and comments.

How are Lines Counted in Queries with Multiple Fields?

When analyzing code containing queries with multiple fields, each field placed on a separate line is counted individually. For instance, if a query is structured with five fields, each on its own line, this will be counted as five lines in total. This granularity helps in providing a precise assessment of the code structure and volume.

Are Empty Lines or Lines with Only Whitespace Included in the Line Count?

No, lines that consist solely of whitespace or are part of comments are not included in the line count in CodeScan.

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