Deleting Projects and Organizations

CodeScan provides you with the option to delete the unwanted projects/Organizations no longer in use for your convenience.

Note: Once you delete your projects/organizations from CodeScan, they cannot be recalled (no undo).

Deleting a Project

  1. Go to the Organization and select Project which you want to delete.

  1. Next, select Project Setting > Deletion.

  1. Now click on the option Delete.

  1. It gives you a prompt asking your permission to delete it. Select Delete.

  1. Now, your desired Project is deleted from CodeScan.

Deleting an Organization

  1. Ensure you are on the correct organization and click on the Organization name on the top left to confirm that you are on the organization's main page, not in any project.

  2. Navigate to Administration > Organization settings.

  1. Next, a new window will appear, and if you scroll down the page to the end, you will be able to view the Delete option under the column Delete Organization. Click on Delete.

  1. Another tab pops up, as in the below picture, requiring you to confirm the Organization Name and then click on Delete.

  1. Now, your desired organization is deleted from CodeScan.

Last updated