Archival Configuration for your Salesforce Org
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Data archives can be thought of as a data repository for infrequently accessed, but still readily available data. In Vault, data archival is all about moving the unwanted data components from your Salesforce Org and freeing the space for new data. This data is safely stored for future use. In a nutshell, Vault makes Salesforce data archiving and backup simple, productive, and a joy to use.
Login to your Vault account.
Go to Setup and search for the Salesforce Org from which the data has to be archived. You can use the Search filter to easily filter out the required Salesforce Org.
Select the desired Salesforce Org.
The next step is to create Archival Config, navigate to the Configs tab, and click on Add Archival Config. This will allow you to view all the components available in your Salesforce Org and choose the components for which you want to define the archival policy.
Select the components that you need to archive on the next screen.
Using Filter you can define the criteria on which the records will get fetched. For ex- If you can define criteria to fetch Case records that are older than 1000 days and are in the closed state Validate your query to see whether the criteria set is correct and view the number of records that will be fetched. You can even set the record count limit for your data being fetched. Click on Apply to set the criteria and close the Filter dialog box. For easy identification of objects on which filter is applied, the filter icon is highlighted.
The Hierarchy option will allow you to view all the corresponding child objects for your selected object. These child objects will also get archived once you archive their parent object. Such a hierarchy schema view can be seen using the Hierarchy option.
You may notice in the schema view that some of the objects are auto-selected by default and cannot be unchecked. These are the child objects of its parent object which will be deleted for sure if its parent object is selected for archival policy. However, for other objects which are related to the selected object in some other way, you may have the option to choose them manually for archival.
Once done, click Save to close the hierarchy-schema screen. Similar to Filter criteria addition, the hierarchy icon gets highlighted corresponding to the object for which hierarchy is selected.
Click Next. On the next screen, do the following:
Give the process a name.
Select the email notification checkbox to receive an email notification whenever the objects are getting deleted from your Salesforce Org. If unchecked, data will be automatically deleted without any prior notification.
Select the date and time interval for the archival process to run under the Schedule Archival section. You can set the policy to run either daily, weekly, monthly, or input any duration manually.
You can specify to what time period you want to retain the archived data under the Archival Retention period section.
Specify the batch size for components to retrieve records. 10K is the max batch size that you can set per batch. This option is useful in running large jobs that would exceed normal processing limits. As per the Salesforce governor limit, you can deploy or retrieve up to 10,000 files at once or a max size of 40MB. Using Batch Size, you can process records in batches to stay within platform limits. If you have a lot of records, processing records through batches are your best solution.
Enable serial mode for Bulk API: Serial mode processes batch one at a time, however, it can increase the processing time for a load.
Click Save Config.
A summary of all the objects, filters, and criteria selected or applied will get displayed before your archival policy gets configured. Click Save.
Now go to the Archival tab.
Select your Salesforce Org for which you configured the archival recently.
Select the Environment.
Select the archival configured recently under Configurations drop-down field.
Click on Get Details to etch all the existing archival configured for your Salesforce Org. If you've initiated the archival process for the first time in Vault, you will not find any details on this page.
To run on-demand archival before the scheduled archival set, use Archive Now button.
On the Start Archival screen, the label name gets auto-populated, however, you have the option to edit the label name and enter the label you desire.
Select your configuration and click Archive.
You'll be redirected to the Archival screen to view the status of the ongoing archival process being run (under the In-progress tab).
For each archival job, the following information will get displayed:
Label: An identification name for each archival performed in Vault
Configuration Name: Archival configuration name
Date/Time: The date and time stamp for the archival process took place
Expiry Date: Till which date the archival job will remain with Vault
Duration: Time-taken to complete the archival operation
Records: Total numbers of records archived
API Calls: Api call duration (in seconds)
Query: Filter or query that have been used to fetch the records
Data Backup: Backup type for data components i.e., Full backup or Incremental backup
Status: Status of the archival i.e., completed, in progress or failed
Summary Report: View the summary info for the archive performed. The report will contain the list of both success and failed components for the job triggered as shown below.
View Log: View the log information for the archival job triggered.
Download Archival Report: Specify the email address to receive the downloadable link to allow mentioned users to download the archival report on their local machine.