Selenium Test Execution

To execute multiple data sets of a single test case to different Sandboxes, follow the below steps:

  1. On the TAF page, click on the Test Execution tab.

  1. If the label is already added to a job, select the job from the Test Job drop-down, or else, click on New Test Job to select your newly created Label.

  2. On the next screen, enter the job name and description if any.

  3. Select the Test Cases under the Test labels section.

  4. Select the Salesforce Org where you would like to run the above test cases.

  5. Select the Browsers to carry out the functional test.

  6. Schedule the test execution process by filling in the required details like day, time, and the interval for the process to run.

  7. Next, click on either the Save or Save & Start button. The later button will run the current process once the test cycle is saved.

  1. You will be next navigated back to the Test Execution summary page where you can find your recently configured job on the top.

    • Select your recently created Test Job from the drop-down and click on the Run Test Job icon. Once the cycle is invoked, a revision gets generated for the job executed.

    • Next, click on the Dashboard icon. This gives a detailed view of the Test Job run.

Last updated