
About Bitbucket

Bitbucket from Atlassian is a cloud/self-hosted version control application. It provides effective ways to manage repositories, issue tracking, and technical projects. In the most basic terms, Bitbucket empowers you with total authority over the DevOps lifecycle.

GitHub and Bitbucket

GitHub and Bitbucket are hosting platforms that offer developers access to both public and private repositories. The functionality of Bitbucket and GitHub is very similar, and both allow you to perform basic operations, such as:

  • Create and manage repositories

  • Utilizing Two-Factor Authentication (2FA)

  • Make pull requests

  • Perform code reviews

  • Enhances team collaboration and efficiency of the process.

  • Make use of inline editing and Markdown support

  • Keep track of issues, etc.

Configuring Your Bitbucket Repository

Prerequisites for registering Bitbucket with ARM

  • You must have a Bitbucket account. If you don’t already have a Bitbucket account, you can create one at Once you have a Bitbucket account, you can create a new repository or use an existing one.

  • You must have permission to register a repository.

  • Store your Bitbucket’s credentials in ARM.

Store your Bitbucket credential in ARM

This is an initial step where you store your user's credential (usually a username, password, or token) in ARM. To authenticate Bitbucket, you’ll have to use App Password instead of the regular password to login to your Bitbucket account.

Steps to generate a Bitbucket App Password

  1. Log into to your Bitbucket account.

  2. Click your account’s profile picture in the top right-corner of the Bitbucket webpage.

  3. Click the Personal Settings link in the dropdown menu.

  4. Select the link on the left labeled App Passwords. It is under the Access Management heading.

  5. Click on Create App Password button.

  6. Give a label name and check all the necessary permissions that you’d want to provide. Typically, we will require repository, webhook, and pull request permissions.

  7. Click Create to generate the Bitbucket App Passwords and copy the access token’s value. You will not be able to view this password again once you close this window.

  8. Click Save.

Store your Bitbucket credential in ARM

  1. Log in to your ARM account.

  2. Hover your mouse over the Admin module and click on the Credentials tab.

  3. Next, click Create Credential.

  4. On the next pop-up screen, give a credential name.

  5. Choose the Credential Type as Username with Password.

  6. Enter your Bitbucket username and App Password.

  7. Click Save.

Registering a Bitbucket repository in ARM

If you wish to set up a Bitbucket repository, ensure that you have an account created and configured at Bitbucket. Next, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your ARM account.

  2. Hover your mouse over the Admin module and click on VC Repos.

  3. Click on the Register Repository available on the right corner of the screen.

  4. On the Register Repository page, select the Version Control System as GIT.

  5. Enter the name of the repository to display it locally.

  6. Paste the Clone URL that BitBucket provides you.

Follow the steps to copy the URL from the Bitbucket account: a. Select your registered Bitbucket repository. b. Click on Clone and select HTTPS. c. Copy the URL to paste in the ARM. Note: Make sure to remove “git clone” before pasting the URL.

  1. Choose the correct user's Credentials from the list that you saved earlier.

  2. The Default Branch selection will be in disabled mode by default. Click on the refresh button to fetch and list down all the available branches on your remote repository.

  3. Select one of the default branches from the list.

  4. Once the registration is successfully done, you can find the newly added repository on VC Repo's home page.

Last updated

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