SonarScanner Error - Commit & Merge Request SCA Failing but Allowing Submission
Commit and Merge request SCA is failing with the following error but is allowing submission.
ERROR: Error during SonarScanner execution
ERROR: Language of file force-app/main/default/permissionsets/abc_filename.permissionset-metaxml' can not be decided as the file matches patterns of both sonar.lang.patterns.mule: **/*abcd,**/*xml and sonar.lanq.patterns.sfmeta: **/*profile-meta.xml.**/*permissionset-meta.xml.**/*settings-meta.xml.**/*abject-metaxml.z*/*field-meta.xmll*s/*fiow-meta.xml.**/*sharingrules-meta.xml.**/*workflow-meta.xml**/*profilesessionsetting-meta.xml **/*profilepasswordpolicy-meta.xml.**/*.profile,**/*.permissionset,**/*.settings.**/*.object.**/*.flow,**/*.sharingrules,**/*warkflow**/*.profilesessionsetting,**/*.profilepassvordpolicy
Environment configuration checklist
Configured the Mule setting (Key: sonar.mule.file.suffixes) with values ".abcd" and ".xml," which are causing errors. Need to navigate to the project where this error occurs in CodeScan?
Go to Project Settings > General Settings, and search for "mule" in the search box. Remove ".xml".
By adjusting these settings in CodeScan, the SCA will not fail
Last updated