Release Notes 22.8
December 2022 - New Updates, Improvements
Date of release: 18 December 2022 Article last updated: 24 April 2023
New Updates
1. User Registration Flow Enhanced for CodeScan Cloud
The user registration flow is now enhanced for improved user experience in the CodeScan cloud by updating several options and removing others that no longer apply.
Validate Email address- The CodeScan team to allow users to register for a new CodeScan account using corporate email addresses only.
The users who attempt to sign up using an email domain not registered with us require approval from the CodeScan team. To simplify the approval process, it is recommended that you only invite persons whose email domains already exist with us.
2. SOQL/DML Rule Upgrade
The existing CodeScan rule is now enhanced to verify if SOQL queries are in the loop. With this release, if a SOQL query is called in a loop in another method or class, the rule will now alert the users with information like class name, method name, and the line number of the violation.
3. CodeScan IntelliJ plugin Upgrade
The CodeScan IntelliJ plugin has been upgraded to the stable 6.1.4 version. This update improves the connection process with your server.
This release includes minor stability fixes and improvements for the CodeScan platform.
19 April 2023
(CodeScan v23.0.6)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Fixed the following issues with the static code analysis (SCA) report observed in ARM where,
SCA report shows only ApexClass and AuraDefinitionBundle results in ARM, whereas the CodeScan app displays the accurate issues count.
Log file displays the error:
Only first 10000 issues can be shown
22 March 2023
(CodeScan v23.0.5)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Fixed an issue with the
Custom Metadata components must have a description field
rule. The user added the description field to their quality profile's metadata and implemented the aforementioned rule, yet the problem still persists (#65227).Fixed an issue where the master scan was failing in the CodeScan application. The multiple scan running for the same environment caused the issue. (#61134).
Fixed an issue where the rule was missing the below case when permissions are checked through a local variable instance:
{noformat}SObject objAcc;
if (objAcc != null && objAcc.getSObjectType().getDescribe().isUpdateable()) {{noformat}
This case is now added to the rule.(#58534).
15 March 2023
(CodeScan v23.0.4)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Fixed an issue where the
Avoid running Soql and DML inside loops
rules were not evaluating properly and throws wrong issue (#62432).Fixed an issue with the integration of VS Code and CodeScan where, when a user clicked on the quality profile in the project information page, they were sent to a screen that read,
The requested Quality Profile was not found
28 Feb 2023
(CodeScan v23.0.3)
This is a maintenance release. The following items were fixed and/or added:
Fixed an issue where the
folders were not scanned for full code coverage. (#62178).Added a new column Rull Name to the CSV export report for better issue/rule identification (#53040).
Fixed an issue where the users were not receieving notification for My issues/My new issues/Issues with false positive although the notifications feature was enabled (#61309).
Fixed an issue where the user when initiated a manual analysis inside CodeScan, the application throws the
error (#59746).Fixed an issue whehre the unit test did not include the System.Assert() Update.
Update the input text on the SSO Login screen from "Your company email" to “Company SSO Domain”.
Last updated
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