GIT Errors

  1. Error: "src refspec [branch] does not match any"

Example: src refspec ‘Hello’ does not match any

This error occurs when you try to push a branch that doesn't exist locally or has a different name. Ensure that the branch exists and that you have the correct name.

2. Error: "failed to push some refs to [remote]"

Example: failed to push some refs to ‘Hello-World’

This error typically happens when you try to push to a remote repository, but your local branch is behind the remote branch. You need to pull the latest changes from the remote repository before you can push your changes. 3. Error: "Your branch is ahead of [remote]/[branch] by X commits"

Example: Your branch is ahead of ‘origin/master’ by '3' commits

This error message indicates that your local branch has commits that haven't been pushed to the remote branch. To resolve this, you can either push your local commits using git push or discard your local commits using git reset or git stash. 4. Error: "failed to push some refs to [remote]. Updates were rejected"

Example: failed to push some refs to ‘Hello-World’. Updates were rejected.

This error usually occurs when you try to push to a branch that has been updated by someone else. You need to fetch the latest changes from the remote repository using git fetch and then merge them into your local branch using git merge before attempting to push again. 5. Error: "refusing to update checked out branch: [branch_name]"

Example: refusing to update checked out branch: ‘Master’

This error occurs when you try to push to the branch you currently have checked out. To resolve this, you can either switch to a different branch or create a new branch to work on. 6. Error: "RPC failed; result=XXX, HTTP code = XXX"

Example: RPC failed; result=18, HTTP code = 200

This error is often related to network issues or server misconfigurations. It can occur when pushing large files or when the Git server is experiencing problems. Checking your network connection and trying again later may resolve this error. 7. Error: "Pre-receive-hook declined" This error is usually returned when you have some branch restrictions set up in your repository and the commit you are trying to push does not meet the requirements of that branch restriction.

Last updated